Easy Pie Crust
Truly easy! Enjoy a light and flaky pie crust just like it’s supposed to be, made with our Bread Mix. For more information, seePamela’s Pie Crust Tips and watch theHow To Make a Pie Crust video.
Easy Pie Crust
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two 9-inch pie crusts; or one large pie with bottom and top crust
Truly easy! Enjoy a light and flaky pie crust just like it’s supposed to be, made with our Bread Mix. For more information, see Pamela’s Pie Crust Tips and watch the How To Make a Pie Crust video.

1 bag (3½ cups) Pamela's Gluten-Free Bread Mix (no yeast is used in this recipe)
8 TBSP butter, chilled and cubed
8 TBSP shortening, chilled and cubed
7 to 8 TBSP (½ cup) ice cold water, adding a TBSP at a time as needed
You can use all butter in place of shortening
For a non-dairy crust, use 8 TBSP dairy-free butter and 8 TBSP shortening
Pre-heat oven to 350°.
In the bowl of a stand mixer, using paddle attachment, cut chilled shortening and butter into Bread Mix until small pea-sized pieces form (or use pastry blender or two knives). Slowly add ice water just until dough comes together (not sticky). Add 1 TBSP additional water at a time if dough is too dry. Do not over-handle dough.
For a double crust pie:
Divide dough roughly into two portions: 2/3 for the bottom pie crust and 1/3 for the top pie crust. Roll between sheets of parchment paper or plastic wrap, to about 1/8" thick. Peel off top layer of plastic wrap o parchment paper and invert into lightly greased or sprayed pie plate, and fix into pie plate. Peel off second sheet of wrap and fix crust edge. (Cover and chill if dough is too soft.) Take the 1/3 pie dough and roll out into a circle the diameter of your pie plate. Invert the crust on top of the filled pie and fix edge and cut a couple of slashes to let the steam escape. Bake according to the filled pie recipe that you are using, in bottom third of oven.
For a single crust pie:
Divide dough in half and follow instructions above. Recipe will make two 8-9 inch single pie crusts. Bake according to the filled pie recipe that you are using, in bottom third of oven.
For pre-baked shell:
Bake in lower third of oven for 28 to 30 minutes. This crust is perfect pre-baked and then filled with pudding, fresh fruit or your favorite filling.
Dough may be frozen for later use; wrap in plastic and freeze, and thaw completely before use.
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